Jayne is a highly creative, versatile and skilled food stylist who has been working with food for 20 years now. She is highly organised and keeps calm under pressure, whatever the job may bring.
Originally a fashion buyer, she changed career to pursue her love of all things culinary and went back to college to gain a City and Guilds Diploma in Professional Cookery. She subsequently worked as a chef, before entering publishing as a food stylist, cookery writer and recipe tester.
She has a love of baking and started her own cake business. She has a NCFE cake decorating and Sugarcraft qualification.
Jayne has worked on innumerable magazines, advertisements, TV shows as well as over 30 books as a food stylist and was commissioned recently to write and style two books of her own.
She is also a lecturer in Food Styling at the renowned Leiths School of Food and Wine.

© Lucy Young